Compare Whey

by Caio Souza Santos

Health & Fitness


Most people when they go to buy Whey, the first criteria that impact their choices is the weight of the pot and the price. The greater the quantity and the lower the price of Whey, they deduce to be the best cost-benefit. This kind of analysis is wrong.After all, do you want to buy protein or weight with something else?For example: what is worth more than 2kg of ground beef or 1kg of soft top? which is cheaper? which one comes more?So the correct thing is to compare how much you would effectively pay for each gram of protein.And this app will help you with that!Compare 2 or several brands at once get information relevant to your choice such as:-Rating from best Whey Protein to worst.-Total Shakes that will yield-Price for each Shake-Protein price per gram-Purity of Whey Protein. (Percentage of protein that has a pot)-Total Protein-Dynamic information fields.-Saves compared to the last item in the ranking.Comparison tip: be specific and compare just example:Concentrates x ConcentratesIsolated x IsolatedHydrolyzed x Hydrolyzedfor because they are of different qualities, the price difference will obviously be favorable to items of lower quality.